Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm Officially Getting Old

This is an obvious statement: there's a lot of technology out there. Now within all that technology, there are software and Internet developments that can make even the savviest tech-geek's head spin. Within the last three years there seems to have been an explosion of all things web-based; most notably, there has been the advent of social media. I, for one, feel like I am drowning in all of it.

It may be the fact that three years ago, I was just starting my freshman year at college and was far more concerned with other aspects of my then-existence (i.e. making new friends, doing well in classes, drinking, partying, pledging for a sorority, more drinking) to have done a good job in keeping up with all the fancy happenings and goings-on around the Internet. Don't get me wrong, I am not at all tech-allergic. In fact, I embrace it--I always have. Four years before my start at college, when I was a wee freshman in high school, I was the first out of my group of friends to get my hands on an iPod. You know, that clunky--though when I got it, I thought it was the sleekest thing I'd ever owned--edition, sans clickwheel and color screen. I was also the only one of my friends to have figured out the wonderful world of html and various other coding languages; I was the only one to have my own website and domain. I believe I was one of the first to get on the blogger bandwagon when it started nearly a decade ago, but no one read anyone's anything then because there was still a ton of fear surrounding the nebulous online world inside the computer.

Nowadays, there are so many blogs, twitters (what's the point of these, anyway), and faux Facebook pages than you can wrap your head around. The era of the MySpace has passed--that ship sailed the moment Facebook came into the ring with its streamlined interface and college student-only exclusivity (which, ironically, it has done away with). In fact, I think MySpace has a Google deal currently in jeopardy due to its "falling significantly short of expectations,". I'm not complaining, per se, about the advancements in social media. Okay I lied--I am complaining about Twitter--I honestly don't see the point of it aside from being a dedicated Facebook "status update" feed. That, and an essential tool for existing stalkers. Facebook itself has been great for me--unlike MySpace, it had a clean design, and most importantly, it loaded fast. If I was lazy and forgot (didn't want) to bring my camera on an outing with friends, I could see their uploaded albums almost instantaneously--provided that they weren't too lazy themselves to upload them. I've also gotten in contact with many a friend from middle and even elementary school via Facebook, which always makes for a cute conversation topic when you finally see them in person.

However, I'm not one who can be blamed for lack of trying. I might feel like I'm drowning, and I might hate Twitter just because I haven't really used or looked at it more than three times in my life, but I am getting there. Just tonight I've added about five of my favorite blogs to my Google reader in an attempt to keep up with all of them at once. I'm not too optimistic about this venture--I can hardly keep up with the news, nevermind blogs that update 60+ times a day. As I explore all the inventions the great Googleyplex has churned out, I feel like I'm opening my techie eyes for the first time. Perhaps becoming more efficient, and maybe even a little bit smarter.